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My personal why

10 Aug

If you have been following me for anytime you know that I believe I am an entrepreneur, and was created to be one. What you may not know is why. I am going to try explain that to you but I think you need a bit of background to fully understand. It has only been recently that I have even become clear on why. I have been on a journey of discovery for a while and today I had a real breakthrough. Let me take you back a bit.
Making money and working for myself has been with me most of my life. Remember my Now & Laters post? Anyway, I think I was initially drawn in with dreams of Ferraris, Yachts, and mansions, but grew as I got educated. I exposed myself to Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnagie and J Paul Getty. These men all had something in common other than just material wealth. They believed, no they lived the principle of helping others. Napoleon Hill actually says that if you want to be wealthy, just help someone else become wealthy. This is not just referring to material wealth but fulfillment. They all say that material wealth will come, but this made me question more. What is true wealth? I am not here to answer that. That is very subjective and everyone on the planet has a different answer. But it began me on a journey.
I began to look and see how I could make a difference in someone else’s life. THIS is no easy task! Where do you even begin? Making a real difference in someone’s life seemed like a paramount task and I had no idea where to start. I turned to my relationship with Christ for an answer and began a ministry dealing with teenagers. While I was making a difference and building relationships it just did not feel right to me. I still felt called to business. My dreams and visions had however changed.
Instead of cars and houses I started getting visions of making a difference on a much larger scale. Honestly some of the visions I have had scare the crap out of me. I see reaching out to people I don’t know in countries I have never been to. I see empowering people to be able to take care of basic needs that I take for granted. I see setting an example for others to follow. I see showing others that they too can make a real difference. I had NO IDEA how all this was going to happen but, the visions became stronger and in the last couple years, my visions have turned to desire.
When Amy and I started Wired Waffles we began dreaming of how we could turn this into a reality. When we talked about the potential success of this endeavor we immediately started talking about how we can make a difference and dedicated a portion of our profits to these visions. We started looking at where we could have an impact. Water wells? Chickens and goats? Micro loans? YES!!!
A couple weeks ago Amy bought me Sir Richard Branson’s latest book, SCREW BUSINESS AS USUAL. The underlying theme is what he calls Capitalism 24902 (the circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,902 miles). It represents Corporate Social Responsibility on a global level. Business should not try to give back as publicity but they actually have a responsibility. Everyone who is in business is a citizen. How can we be exposed to what we see every day in the papers and other media and do nothing? Then on appointment from God I listened to a couple women over the last two days that blew my mind. Sheryl Wudunn took away all excuses showing how micro loans of amounts as small as $2.50 can literally change someone’s life forever. How little it takes to free a little girl and get her education that can transform an entire village. Also small humble woman named Pranitha Timothy who has personally been involved in freeing over 50 slaves from violent owners and has dedicated her life to seeking freedom for them and restore them to a life of dignity and wholeness.
All of this has led to my personal why. I am an entrepreneur to have a global impact. I have been called to the marketplace to make a difference and set an example. To call others to global citizenship and empower people to make a difference wherever and however they can. I will no longer sit on the sidelines and turn a blind eye to injustice. I will make a difference.

Uncharted territory….

27 Jul

SO I have been working the last two weeks on contracts for taking on a couple investors. OK pause for a moment and let that sink in . . . Because that is a very big deal! It represents the fact that I have created something that others want to be a part of and they are willing to invest their own money to do so. This is a true milestone and one I have never been at before. Coming with it are many different emotions.
Number one of course is a sense of pride and accomplishment. I have created a real business in the traditional sense. Manufacturing, Distribution, Sales, Marketing and the list goes on. The bigger emotion though is a new sense of responsibility. I am guessing most would think hey look at this influx of cash I have into the business cool! It is however a burden. Do not get me wrong it is a welcome burden and one I have certainly asked for but now I have the added responsibility of accountability to my Investors This is where the work really begins. Plans, projections and reports all take Wired Waffles to a whole new level.
Past businesses have pretty much just been Amy and me. the contracts filed with the state were really just a technicality, but know we have really had to pay attention to details to protect everyone. Rewriting and rewording pages of contract to make sure out i’s are dotted and our t’s crossed. Honestly it is exhausting. At the same time it is exhilarating! This is one of the things that makes owning my own business so exciting. I have grown a vision and an idea to a very cool stage from nothing.
I look back and I can see some serious growth in me as a business owner in the last year. It has been a year full of setbacks and raw perseverance and I know the challenges will just keep coming. They will also get bigger! This is what I Love! Figuring it out, getting it done and learning.
I was talking to a few people this last week and I was explaining some little detail about distribution and one of them stopped my and asked when I got my MBA! I wanted to laugh but I smiled big and told her I received it from my Alma mater, The University of Hard Knocks! It is an educational program that I would not trade for any other!
Thanks for following me on this journey, I am pretty excited to see where this goes.

Support Small Business. It is easier that you think.

22 Jun

So I have been noodling this subject for a while and really trying to figure a way as to not offend my friends and acquaintances. Then I realized the reason for this post is because I am offended so screw it!

I am an Entrepreneur that is currently running a small business. I have a few friends and relatives that do as well and I feel confident that I can speak for them at least in content. I drive down the road every day and see advertising. Lots of advertising and a good percentage of that advertising is free for the company that is getting it! Next time you go outside and take a trip to the store I want you to take note of all the things people put on their cars or bodies. Decals on cars range from energy drinks and sunglasses to retail stores and guns. Shirts, jackets and hats reflect the same images. In most cases the people sporting these items actually PAID for them! Now I know you get some little stickers sometimes as a gift when you buy something but I have never gotten a 15″ O decal for free when I bought my last pair of Oakleys.

Basically this come down to brand loyalty and I totally get that. In fact to be honest I hope that some day strangers all over the world show off their Wired Waffle stickers and clothing.

Here is the thing though, notice I said strangers. These people have no ties at all to Oakley, Browning, or Monster energy. They have no ties to these companies other than they purchase and consume their products. In most cases they do not work for them nor do they know the owners. They are not family, friends or even a home town company for that matter. Yet they proudly display their logos and promote their products for free.

So why is it that we as small business owners have SUCH a hard time? Im not talking about strangers, I am talking about our friends and family! I do not expect a friend to go out and get a Wired Waffle tattoo (but it would be cool!) to support me, but is it really that hard to like my friggin Facebook page? Is it really that hard to share a link with your sphere of influence every once in a while?

We are small businesses. We are you relatives. We are your neighbors. We are your friends. We are your community. Small Businesses account for 50% of all jobs in this country.

I have seen this growing trend to shop local and support local businesses. This goes well beyond just buying their widgets. Supporting them means actually helping where you can. We waste time everyday sharing some stupid picture or random story. How many of us can say when a friend posts something about his business we share it with our sphere of influence? THAT is making a difference! THAT is supporting small business! It blows my mind that my Facebook page has less likes that I have friends! How can that be? In my opinion friends and relatives should at least “Like” the pages belonging to the small business owners they know. I am not sure what kind of friend I am if I cannot at least take a second to click a button and support someone I know on such a micro level. If you are a close friend and one who actually likes the product or service, a bonafide customer!? Well then you should be waving a flag and blowing a damn horn! Share links, comment, like and help them get new fans and customers! It is not that difficult and costs you a few seconds.

Small businesses are the backbone of this country and Entrepreneurs its life blood. We take risks everyday in order to gain the freedom promised to us by the American dream. We take those risks because people have shown us that it can be done and it is worth it. Won’t you support us?  I will return the favor!

Sometimes you have to chill the *&@! out.

9 Jun

Lately things have been pretty crazy. It is amazing how exhausting running your own business can be and how much work there actually is. The weight of the world rests on you. You have to surround yourself with people that can help and share in the burden, but in the end one person is responsible. One person usually has to say yes or no, go here not there.

In the early stages of business it is risk and compromise, balancing what you should do against what you can. Decisions are made based on the knowledge you have at the time of the decision. If you are like me then your knowledge has come from the counsel of others, research and your experience. There is no way for one person to know it all and your team resources are limited so you wear a lot of hats. I personally sit on the Wired Waffle legal team, creative team, fulfillment team, marketing team and the list goes on and on. One task leads into the next and the lists get longer every day. Can you say STRESS!?

If you have studied entrepreneurship at all you have no doubt heard of balance. Balance is that magical word that is tossed around by people who really have no idea. Balance is like utopia; the perfect place . . . that does not exist. The best you can hope for as an entrepreneur is to find a routine and create a schedule that is realistic and has clear boundaries. Barbara Corcoran of ABCs Shark Tank is an amazing example of boundaries. When she comes home she turns her business off. She does not check texts, emails or voice mails until she is leaving and setting up her day in the morning. The same holds true for her while she is at work. Heaven for bid something would happen to her daughter because no one would be able to get a hold of her. Barbara has set up huge walls to keep things separate and it works for her at the stage of her business. You should also know that when she was building here business it was ALL business.

When you are starting out it has to be all business. Dinners get interupted, phone calls come in the middle of family movie night and you are always checking your email and notifications on your phone and that is just the way it is. BUT . . . that does not mean that I do not try. I try to spend time with the boys just hanging out, I try to get to a movie with Amy and for 2 hours my phone is off. I try to ignore notifications when I am running or working out.  Fish principle #1: Be there. Being there means to be there emotionally and completely. When I am on the phone scheduling an appointment or talking business I am focused on that specific task. The same holds true however when I am at the gym. I do not check my email or take phone calls when I am there. Well to be honest . . . I try, and that is where my problem lies. I HAVE to schedule time for these things. If I do not then I just keep going and I cannot slow down.

I worked until almost 11pm last night reading and setting appointments then I went to bed and tossed and turned trying to relax. I woke up @ 530 this morning and my mind had already been awake. Although I forced myself to stay in bed for a couple more hours it was not restful. This week will have a reboot activity and I will try to do it regularly. Sometimes you just need to chill the *&%! out!

OK back in the saddle

5 Jun

Hey look that Wired Guy is still around!

Well I started off strong, maybe too strong and I felt the pressure of having to come out with new stuff all the time get to me. Writing a blog for me is a way to not only share my thoughts, but to document them as well. Lately I have been feeling a bunch of pressure as Wired Waffles continues to build. Its funny really, people contact me all the time and jokingly ask if I am rich yet or how the Waffle Empire is. Are they asking because they really care or just out of morbid curiosity? I would like to think that it is a combination of both. That most of the people that know me are cheering for me either openly or privately. I would like to think thatI am not only doing it for myself and family, but also to show the people in my sphere of influence that the American dream is alive and well and that anyone can acheive thier dreams if they work hard enough. Today in a society of drive-thrus, streaming movies and IPO billionaires, I think we forget how much work and sacrifice goes into making things happen for yourself. The only thing really sexy about being an Entrepreneur is being called an Entrepreneur. It is full of stress and headaches and you question yourself daily but you push on. Some ideas are good and others not so good. You have to compromise and be willing to “pivot” and be fluid.

I hear stories almost every week about someone who thinks they can do things better than their boss and so they shove out on their own. I secretly root for all of these people and hope for their success however in most cases it never works for them. In most cases they were very good at their particular JOB, but everything that goes along to support that job is more than the average person can handle right away and they give up.

Everyone of us has the ability inside to do anything. Some just give up sooner than others. What I believe is that most give up just a bit too soon. the next time you decide you cannot go any farther think how our lives would be different if the likes of Thomas Edison and Alexander Fleming had given up the day before their discoveries.

I the movie Men in Black, J asks K if it is worth it, K responds, “Yes. If you are strong enough.”‘.

I certainly am and I hope to see more of you on my Wired Road.

The choice is yours

6 Feb

It is very easy to let things get to you. I try very hard to have a good attitute but hey, I am human. Sometimes crap just gets piled so high and it begins to affect me.

Several years ago i was introduced to the Fish Principles. If you have not read “The On Purpose Person” by Kevin McCarthy you really need to pick it up. One of the many things I leared in that bodk was that I choose my attitude. No matter what happens throughout my day, I choose how I react to it. My attitude is the one thing I have total control over. I have nothing to do with the idiot driving in the fast last with a foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake. I cannot control the person in front of me in the line to get my morning coffee who has chosen this moment to get educate on what exactly this whole espresso thing is about. Even as much as I would like to, I cannot control people who just stop in the middle of a walkway to have a conversation oblivious to the fact that no one can move around them. Yes these are all small things, but I KNOW you are probably nodding your head right now smiling.

We all get in a hurry and these little things add up and add stress to our day. it is these little things that add up very quickly and are usually piling on top of a much more stressful situation. Big problems like production issues, financing, employees, taxes and others are often things that the entrepreneur must deal with often alone. As a business owner I may not be an expert in any of these areas nor be even qualified to attack them but they are still my responsibility.

So I have to just figure things out, or as Amy would tell me, “Suck it up cupcake!”  If my attitude starts to slip all of this comes crumbling down and it affects everything. I am constantly amazed at how much easier a solution comes when I have a smile on my face. Every adversity is an opportunity for me. That is how I CHOOSE to look at things. I choose to see things from a positive perspective and there by choosing my attitude.

Now does it work all the time? Am I a shining example of a guy that is always up?  In a word…… no. Of course not, sheez! I do however strive for that. The biggest compliment someone could ever pay me is to speak of how positive I always am. That tells me that I am on purpose.I know that if I remain positive in everything, I will succeed, period.

This may sound just stupid to some of you so I challenge you to test me on this. Put a post it on your screen right now that simply says CHOOSE. It can be just a subtle reminder that the only thing you can control is your attitude and everyday your are presented with opportunities to choose.  Remember you choose whether you realize it or not. Also, the alternative to a positive attitude is…….? Don’t be that person.

Put a smile on your face and choose to be positive! I dare you!

Can’t soar with the Eagles when you hang out with Turkeys

26 Jan

When I was a kid I never really understood why my parents hated some of my friends so much.  They would try to stop me from seeing some of them and say things like. “they just aren’t good kids”or “I just don’t like them”. I on the other hand thought they were great and hung out with them because I thought they were fun. I didn’t know any better. I relied on my own internal judging mechanism to help me decide what was right and what was wrong. What I did not realize, is that my conscious was being formed by what I was comfortable with. The more I was around things like drugs, the more comfortable I was with them. Its just basic human nature, the more exposed you are to something the more accepting you become of it.

I remember being SO against smoking that i would flush my mom’s cigarettes down the toilet. I’m not kidding I did it and got my but beat for it too! I would leave pictures of nasty lungs around the house  for mom to find and gave her dirty looks when she lit up. By the time I got to High School I had a lot of friends that smoked as well. We would hang out, go to Denny’s and stuff and I got used to having friends that smoked. Eventually I tried and started smoking in High School because all my friends did. You can imagine when my mom found a pack of Marlboro Lights in my room! It was an awkward moment for sure.

I was 19 and in a Business meeting the first time I had someone actually spell out why that happened and explained the word association to me. I was told in no uncertain terms that I am who I hang out with. This guy was trying to teach me a little something and told me that if he wanted to learn who I was, all he had to do was spend 5 minutes with 5 of my closest friends and he would know more about me than he could learn by spending all day with me.  It was like a ton of  bricks falling from the sky. I got it! It made perfect sense. It explained a lot.

At 19 years old armed with this knowledge i must have went out and got rid of all of my negative friends right? WRONG! I just tried to change them and make them more positive and supporting and the kind of people I wanted them to be. Well, obviously that did not work.  I  began to seek out new positive relationships to begin to change some of my associations.  Not the easiest thing to do for me at 19 but I tried. Not super easy to find a bunch of new friends that were around my age that were motivated and positive so I floundered a bit. Several years later I was able to find a group of guys that were just that. Successful, motivated and most important willing to associate with me. I learned a lot about business and how the world works. I learned stuff that I was never exposed to before in school. I learned about Capitalism and how to make money, how to work smarter and not just harder and how to leverage myself instead of just trading hours for dollars.

Now this is quite a bit of knowledge and I picked it up quickly but I still mainly associated with people who just did not get it. You see association is not just about who you hang out with. It is who you hang out with MOST of the time. Just because I was spending a couple hours a week with these business men was not enough. It was no match for the hours and hours I was spending with my “friends”. It was like digging a hole in the sandy surf at the beach. While I was digging a hole was made , when I stopped the hole filled pretty quickly. It has taken me the better part of 20 years to figure out how to turn the balance of the scale to lean in the direction of my positive associations. I have worked very hard to only allow access to the important parts of my life to people that have want in those areas. I still have friends and hang out with many different people but I do not allow many people to influence me. I mostly associate with people that are on my level or above and have the life that I desire. I have weeded out the negative associations in my life or at least limit the time I spend with them. The same way I picked up smoking for a time, I am developing successful habits and starting to see the fruits of my work and associations.

Its pretty simple really, you want to be successful? Hang out with successful people not bums. You want to run a Marathon? Hang out with runners not couch potatoes. You want to be a better parent? Hang out with parents that have great relationships with their kids not single people  that don’t even have children. You are who you associate with. Period.

Association. Another core curriculum  at Hard Knocks University. Enroll today!


23 Jan

The first time I ever heard about dream building was 1993.  I was at a business meeting at a hotel auditorium in downtown Seattle for Amway. Now what ever you think of Amway is irrelevant. Yes we all supposedly know someone who bought a garage full of soap and lost everything. I know and have met people who have made it work, doesn’t matter. I was 23 and absolutely mezmorized by this guy named Brad Duncan who was just about 30 and living an incredible life. The most amazing this I got out of that night was that I could have that life too. He spoke directly to some part deep inside of me and nudged my dream factory. This put the ‘Why” factor right out in front of me.

With out a “why” not thing else matters. Without a why you do not need a what or a how. The why is the single most important thing in my life. It is different for all of us. My version of a successful life will no doubt be different than yours. I have realized that my why is my biggest motivating factor and the bigger it is the more motivated I get. I can boil success down to being able to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want.  I have started with the end game in mind the just work backwards. Then I look for the opportunity, (the What) and look for an example of a way to execute it, (the how).

The why can be WHATEVER you want. Make it big and be audacious!  I have several pictures in my office to remind me of some of the things I want. Amy has put up a blueprint of a house that we would like to build. It is a house that is big enough for all of our kids to come visit us later in life and spend time with us if they want to. To be sure they want to we have a picture of a beach in Belize next to the blueprint where we would like to build that house. We have pictures of cruises, cars, furniture and other things that motivate us. We talk about how we can make a difference somewhere else in the world with what we have been blessed with. We talk of helping others get into business and find their own way and leaving anonymous checks for charitable organizations, and we do this EVERY DAY! The dream is real and tangible and through familiarization it becomes a done deal. We have made the dream real and since it is real we will naturally make decisions in our daily lives that move us in that direction.

I was told that night by Brad Duncan that I can have whatever I want. He spun that up inside me and I completely believe it. The only thing that stops me from getting what I want is me. Give me enough time and I can have whatever I set my sights on. Don’t believe me? I don’t care and I honestly don’t have time for you. You would be what I would call a dream stealer and dream stealers suck. A dream stealer is someone who  is negative about your dreams and aspirations and are cancerous. If you have these people around you, you need to get far away from them as possible as fast as you can. They are the Crabs in the pot I have talked about before. I remember a friend who wanted a Porche. He was a big guy and had a friend tell him how stupid it was to want that car, he would never fit in it. I am going to buy another Land Rover. The last one I had was possessed and had a bunch of problems ( like most European automobiles). I have been to the dealership, test drove one and have a picture of one and I know its just a matter of time before it is in my driveway. I have people ALL the time tell me how crappy of a vehicle it is or how its just a status thing or whatever. To them I just smile and nod and politely ignore the rest of what they have to say. I would much rather talk to someone supportive and even if they don’t like a Rover tell me how cool they think it is and encourage me to get whatever it is I want.

These material dreams are tangible results of my personal why that I use as a measuring stick to see where I am. If you are thinking that this is sounding all materialistic then you are missing my point. You have to begin with the end in mind or you will travel aimlessly. You would never go on a trip without having a destination. Don’t live your life the same way. Find your why. Really spend some time and figure out how you want to live your life, spend your time and energy. When you figure that out, the rest is easy… just work backwards.

Go ahead…. Do it!

20 Jan

As I continue to grow in business I have developed a few business heroes. One of them is Sir Richard Branson. If you know anything about this guy you will understand. If not you MUST read, Screw it, lets do it! Its is a simple read. Trust me on this, if I tell you its an easy read it has been written for a second grader!  This guy has  a true Entrepreneurial spirit and has cultivated it his whole life. His parents let him drop out of school at the age of 16 to run his student magazine. He open his first Virgin record store with a partner in some empty space in a shoe store, and has found opportunity in the most amazing places.

Most people would think, “what a lucky guy”. I submit to you that luck has nothing to do with it. He has been conditioned to see an opportunity and capitalize on it. Sure these days the Rebel Billionaire has the financing to try just about anything but at 16 it was a much different story! I assure you that when you read how he started Virgin Airlines because of a cancelled flight, you will understand that anybody could have done the same thing…ANYBODY!

I believe we all have ideas and see opportunities but, we are stifled by fear. That fear manifests in excuses and they in turn feed the fear and we give up before we ever get started. It is then only a matter of time before someone else comes up with your idea and has the courage to throw some mud at the wall and see what sticks. That has been my business philosophy for years; throwing mud. Call it running it up the flagpole, taking a leap of faith or what ever you want. The secret is to TAKE ACTION, to do something. The only difference between Sir Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Darren Hardy, and myself is they are farther along on this road than me. They are men of action and they are not afraid to just say screw it, let’s do it and throw some mud. Their secret is so obvious I missed it for so long because I thought that it had to be more than that. It’s not! It really is that simple! Stop making excuses and ACT.Yes there are always challenges but at least I am doing something. Remember Newtons 1st law: An object in motion tends to stay in motion.

All of my excuses were just that, excuses. I  have had to learn how to overcome manufacturing, contracts, corporate organization, marketing, securing capital, and a slew of other things to get to where I am now. I do not have an MBA, Law degree or any other fancy acronym after my name. The University of Hard Knocks does not give you a fancy certificate or title. If  I don’t know something, I learn it. If I need something, I find it. If I want something I get it. I will never let ME get in the way of my success.

I am pretty good at slinging mud and the more I sling the better I get at making it stick. Yes it has cost some money and created some scars, but that is learning and as long as I do not make the same mistake twice, I am ok with that.


In my corner

16 Jan

This is my Blog and I get to make the rules. I am the boss here. So when I want to do something I look in the mirror and say, “Self? Can I?” Of course I always give myself permission, why wouldn’t I?

Today I am going to write about the most important thing to the success of my business. There has been one constant in every business I have owned and operated. From selling snake oil and Amway to Roofing to the Espresso Shopper, one positive thing has been there in my corner every time, all of the time.

Today I get the privilege to tell you about my wife Amy. This woman is my wife, my best friend and mother of 4 of the most amazing young men I am proud to call my sons. She is a tremendous giver and not afraid to tackle something new. Most of all and most importantly, Amy is my biggest cheerleader. I am sure you have heard it said that behind every successful man is a successful woman. Let me tell you I shudder to think where I would be without this woman.

Looking back on her life growing up, Amy was no stranger to business. Besides dealing with her entrepreneurial brother who sold her the family dog “twice” and her own bicycle back to her, her parents ran a small Mortgage & Escrow Company most of her childhood. It was common to speak of business at the dinner table and meals were often interrupted by clients calling on the phone. Her father Robert is a very smart guy who has always made his own way. It made sense to Amy that I wanted to run my own business and we both knew that it was truly the only way to control our future. Amy bought into everything I have ever decided to do and supported me 100%. There has never been a time where I have had to worry about coming home and “getting my legs chopped out from under me”.

One time I came home from a meeting I had gone to with my Uncle Gary. It was at a hotel in downtown Seattle and I listened to this guy spin a dream for about 3 hours. He shared a business plan in the last 20 minutes or so and I was excited. I got home at what must have been midnight and I woke her up and told her all about it. I told her there was another meeting in two days and she needed to come see for herself. We had 2 kids at this point and Amy was pregnant with our 3rd. We lived in a crappy townhouse that not only did we have to shut off the hot water heater to run the dryer; we had a dehumidifier that pulled over a gallon of water out of the walls and carpets EVERY DAY. Amy also at this particular time was having some kind of rash that was all over her body and was quite uncomfortable. She did not hesitate for a second and agreed to go to the meeting. She put on a dress and makeup and sat listening to a similar presentation two nights later pregnant rash and all. She had several excuses at her disposal but I believe not one crossed her mind. For Amy supporting me in all that I do for the good of our family has always been a priority.

Over the last 21 plus years of marriage Amy has learned accounting, graphics, and web design. She has opened several businesses with my taking them from concept to reality. She has ran the gauntlet of filing Corporate Documents in Olympia in one day and had banking accounts and credit lines established the next. Her concept of a wholesale delivery business called The Espresso Shopper was a natural add on to an existing distributor ship we had for one product. In one year we took that business from a concept to grossing over $26,000 dollars a month. We have been through ups and downs including financial ruin and came very close to losing our home just 3 short years ago.

Through everything Amy has never once doubted me. She has never once told me it was all my fault. She has always looked at me, sometimes with a smile, sometimes with a tear and said “I believe in you, its going to be great.”

This blog is dedicated to Amy. There is not a thing in the world I cannot accomplish with her in my corner. I thank God every day for her.